Preview the toolpaths using Backplot and Verify. Create OD, face, ID, and angle toolpaths. The new tutorial covers the following tasks: With Mastercam X5 Lathe, clearance values, options to eliminate hanging ring burrs, and wide step avoidance have been added to support the ISCAR plunge and turn tools. However, due to the complex motion and cutting methods required, use of these tools was typically relegated to manual programming. These types of inserts are less rigid and provide the flexibility to plunge and turn in the same operation without breakage. ISCAR’s plunge and turn tools have long been the industry standard for producing highly efficient grooving and turning toolpaths on lathe parts. ISCAR and Mastercam have worked very closely to develop Mastercam X5’s new Plunge Turn toolpath. To do this, the Plunge Turn toolpath compensates for the change in cutting depth caused by the insert’s deflection when transitioning from a plunge move to a lateral move. The toolpath’s purpose is to add lateral movement to groove-style toolpaths. This toolpath is designed for special plunge turn tools only–specifically, the ISCAR plunge and turn inserts. focuses on the new Mastercam X5 Lathe Plunge Turn toolpath.
The latest tutorial from CNC Software, Inc.